
We are Cropper GIS Consulting, although lots of our clients just refer to us as ‘Cropper’. Our firm’s expertise and passion is in providing reliable forecasting and facility planning for our clients. We are demographers, geographers, and planners. Cropper is not just a GIS company. We are problem solvers. We use GIS as a tool to help answer long-standing questions that our clients have about their area, and to provide a clear and confident path for planning.

Why Use GIS?


In order to understand what the enrollment will look like in the next 10 years, you must understand what will happen with the entire population. Age structure is the primary driver of change, and it is imperative to understand the age dynamics of the area of study.

Typical enrollment projections rely primarily on historical enrollment, new housing, and birth data. This method is not reliable in areas that are experiencing enrollment fluctuations. Did you know that for every new home that is built, 9 are bought and sold? Existing home turnover is a typically much more dominant factor than new construction. Did you know that in most cases, the child is living in a different location by Elementary School than where they were born? This is why it is important not to focus too heavily on birth statistics, but to use it as one of many factors when forecasting enrollment.

It is important to leverage demographic data to develop an accurate forecast of enrollment. Cropper develops a population forecast first, and the results of the population forecast along with dozens of other demographic variables drive the enrollment forecast.

Cropper’s enrollment forecasting process is done using a demographic-based method, and is performed by PhD Demographers whose expertise is in small area forecasting. Our team and associates include some of the best PhD demographers in the United States, who provide insight towards best practices as it relates to their specific expertise. Our team are experts in migration, fertility, mortality, race/ethnicity, and small area forecasting. Cropper have developed demographic studies for 100’s of school districts of all sizes across the U.S., and we strive to have +/- 2% accuracy through the life of the forecast (10 years).


Our company also has a strong background in Geography and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which ensures that our findings and data used for study are provided in an understandable formats through maps and tables.

We have extensive experience in collecting data of all types, and providing the information in a ready-to-use mapping format. Maps can be analyzed interactively to be able to answer “what-if” questions quickly and efficiently.

Cropper are always researching new methods that technology provides for analyzing and disseminating data. We provide online and interactive mapping for our clients, which helps them to easily access and use GIS without having to be experts in the industry.


Cropper have extensive experience in facility planning and redistricting for K-12 School Districts as well as local, state, and federal government agencies. We know the in’s and out’s of school facility planning and have worked with Districts all over the U.S. We help to identify what our client’s needs are, then develop a plan for them to arrive to the solutions they need with information that will help get them there. Every client’s situation is different, and each approach needs to be customized for their needs. We take pride in only suggesting/providing you with what you need, which equates to the client only paying for what they need!

Cropper can provide planning support to your district in terms of demographics and facilities. From calculating school capacity to assessing and establishing the long-term needs in terms of school facilities, Cropper is a valuable resource!